Tuesday, September 4, 2007

New Friends

Today, I finally met my fellow classmates at a Musical Theatre Division Meeting. They are Jennifer, Caitlyn, Joanna (also from Chicago), Austin, Shannon, Craig, De'Lon, Michael, Kami and Morgan. When I sat down just before the meeting started, beet red in the face from riding my bike to school and trying not to be noticed, the girl next to me asked if I was a first year. I said yes, and she sucked in her breath and asked me my name. I said, "Jayme." Every other head in front of me swiftly turned around and I heard, "so YOU'RE Jayme!!" Apparently, I became the mystery student because I missed the first two days of Orientation due to the fact that I had to work at Starbucks and couldn't find anyone to take my shifts for me.

Then, through email, they were all able to get together and hang out Labor Day evening, but I didn't happen to check my email and hadn't given my cell number out yet. Anyway, they were taking guesses at what I would be like. They determined that they didn't have any blondes or Asians, so I may have been a disappointment for them. Later in the evening, in the midst of my continual struggle with allergies, I got a call asking me to join them for a theory study session down at the school. Here we go...I'm too old for all this socializing and we live to far for quick trips late in the evening. But Scott encouraged me to go or else continue to be the odd man out. I pulled myself together as best as possible, with my eyes still watering and bloodshot and my nose slammed shut. Nice second impression, huh?. When I got down there around 10 o'clock, they were studied out and I ended up going home after about 15 minutes. I'd like to insert a snide remark about young people, but maybe I haven't quite earned the right....Tomorrow, I will see them all again for our Theory Placement Exam.


Brittani Renee said...

Ok, so it is this coming Monday- I couldn't remember when classes actually started.
Hope the placement exam goes well.
love you

ANGEL said...

HoPe YoU'rE fEeLiNg BeTtEr!!!

eye heart u!

Christine said...

Chin up, Jayme! Those first few days are always brutal. You'll get in the groove. Love you!

Marah Jean said...

I could have a bunch of comments with you about young people and their ridiculous spontaneity. Don't these people have Day Planners and bed times! I'm ALWAYS in bed BEFORE 10. Crazy kids.

LOVE you

and, just in case nobody's told you today -- HURRAH FOR YOU AND GRAD SCHOOL!!!!!!!