Sunday, September 2, 2007

Grandma's Present

We got a box in the mail! I didn't see it earlier this afternoon, but when Scott got home from work, he brought it in from off the porch (that's right, a porch!) Dolly immediately went over to it and started sniffing it quite agressively and possessively. To be fair, she always checks out boxes with enthusiasm because in her experience, there is always something interesting inside cardboard! But I noticed that this time was extra urgent.

Since I knew it was from my mom, I said, "Do you smell Grandma?" To which she cocked her head. Then I said (I don't even know why except that her body language must have tipped off my subconscious) "Do you smell Hope? Where's Hope?" To which she cocked her head to the other side and started sniffing again, furiously. WELL. As soon as I opened the box, Dolly was on her tip toes, stuffing her entire head inside
and to my surprise, pulled out a ball enclosed in a ziplock bag with a note from Grandma that read:
My Little Dolly Girl - Hello from your old stomping grounds! I do hope you are having a grand time in your new neighborhood and that you and Josta are having great adventures. I thought you might enjoy having this ball to remind you of home...I did buy it for you, after all, to replace your Christmas elephant. But we forgot to make sure you took it with you when you left for Boston. Hope has played with it and kept it in good condition and wonderful working order. Maybe you'll think of us when you get your Mom to play with it with you. I sure do miss you and think of you everyday!

my love always and forever, Your other Mom

p.s. Hope says "Arf..." She said you'd understand

p.p.s. Sorry I didn't send it washed and pretty...I wanted to send it just the way it was.

Needless to say, she is in love....................

1 comment:

jeny said...

WOW she has a good nose. That is almost unbelievable! She looks so happy to have it :)
I like getting to see a few glimpses of the apartment. You should take a few more and post.

love you lots