Wednesday, September 5, 2007

September 5

My Scottie is turning 30 in five days. Ugh. Why does this depress me? Why can't I take it in stride like he does? You know what he said to me last night? "It's about time." I think he's been wanting to be 30 for about 19 years. How can I make it special when he doesn't care that much?


ANGEL said...

I have to tell you...the boy that my dad helped at the the grandson of the next door neighbors!!! He was yelling to his granma for help and dad took off to help him and pulled both boats back in! Then Saturday their little dog jumped off the pier and was trapped between dad's boat and the sea wall so my brothers fished her out and returned her. After this I pray that God will open their eyes and soften their hearts!!!

Love ya babe ;0}

Lori said...

Hi Jayme, I'm sure that anything you do together with Scott will be very special to him! It is hard to believe that my "baby" is going to be 30! Of course, it's hard for my Mom to believe that her little girl is 57. It is amazing! I don't feel 57...47maybe...maybe. It is a very beautiful gift though,to be given another day to enjoy life. And I do treasure it very much.

Can you believe that in less than one month, Mom and I will be flying out to BOSTON? Yippeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you Jayme! You sure are in my prayers as you begin school. Exciting....scary... and very interesting, I'm sure. I'm Praying!!! Praying for Scott too.
I love you, Sweetie!

Jayme said...

Thanks Mom! I know that Scott doesn't care about particular "days of the year," but I know that we have looked back over special times we worked hard to create and were very glad we made the effort.

I am quite looking forward to your and grandma's visit! It will be no time before you're here. Somehow, a visit from home legitimates my own new home.

Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers with school. Now that I've basically started, I'm thinking it won't be as hard as I feared, but very enjoyable.
Love you.