Thursday, September 6, 2007

A Giant has Fallen

It is so difficult and sad to report that an amazing, larger than life and truly living legend but now deceased Senor Pavorotti has passed away this am of September 6. Pavarotti was "without question" the man who brought opera to the people. British tenor Russell Watson said "His voice was so distinctive you only needed to listen to a couple of bars and you knew it was him, he had incredible power and control."

In a statement, the Royal Opera House said: "He was one of those rare artists who affected the lives of people across the globe in all walks of life." Pavarotti gave farewell performances at the Royal Opera House in January 2002 when he sang in Tosca, despite the death of his mother in the final stages of rehearsals. "The applause on those evenings was probably the most moving and heartfelt in the history of the Royal Opera," the statement said. "He had a unique ability to touch people with the emotional and brilliant quality of his voice. He was a man with the common touch and the most extraordinary gift. He will be truly missed by millions."

I'm certain his name will go down in history as the one name that is associated with opera performance just as Mozart is with classical music. God Bless You Maestro.


jeny said...

I didn't know until I read it here!
I'm so sad.

Christine said...

I was sad when I heard this too. We spent time that morning listening to him sing a couple songs. Thanks to YouTube. He had an incredible gift.