Sunday, February 24, 2008

Blue Hills, take two

Scott and I returned to the Blue Hills today...this time with new hiking boots! I have never had such warm, dry, comfortable feet for a day in the snow!! He found a great deal on line--half off for both of us. So now, we'll have to go often this Spring and Summer and break them in.

It was a beautiful afternoon on the trail in the fresh, powdery snow...

This tree looked like something on a haunted property--a bearded tree.


Lori said...

hi Jayme,
Looks beautiful!! I've taken several winter walks back on our little hill in the woods and along the creek, and have taken some very beautiful pictures this winter. It is snowing again this morning - we're supposed to get 2-4 inches this morning. Mom and I were going to meet in Shipshewana today, but I know she shouldn't get out in this by herselt. Maybe I'll surprise her and drive up there:).
Have a great day, sweet daughter.
Love, Mom Rack

Adrienne said...

Wow, what a gorgeous place. I bet those hiking boots feel great on your feet. Don't they just make you "feel like a hiker?" :) I love it that you're making great memories out there.