Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Gypsy Roses

Scott and I went to my boss's party Wednesday night. It took forever to come up with these costumes because I wanted to be clever, but it just kept getting later and funny enough, this is what we had to work with, organically. Are we gypsies at heart? I loved putting eye liner on Scott and he is wearing the earrings that he always asked me if he could have in highschool. Bet you didn't know his ears were pierced!!


jeny said...

What a cute couple!
His holes are still open after all this time?!
Did you enjoy the party?
Wow, your first Halloween event . . .

Christine said...

Feedback from Madelyn:
They did a good job but.....Uncle Scott kind of looks Arabian, but not really. I mean, he DOES, but you can see the buttons on his vest. But, it IS a good costume.
(I told her that gypsies aren't Arabian. But, I appreciated her comment, none the less.) ;)

The costumes are fabulous! I hope you had fun putting them together. I love the picture of the two of you. You look so sweet and happy.
Love you both. xoxo

Lori said...

Very fun!! Jayme, you are ravishinly beautiful!!! Scott, handsome as ever, of course. How creative you both are! Was it a fun time for you? Hope so!!
Love you and miss you both so much!

Jennifer said...

Hey guys! What fun! I was thinking pirates originally, but alas, Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day has officially passed... You guys look fabulous, as usual - I never would have thought of gypsies!

I loved yours & Ade's blogs so much I started my own, and linked you both to mine - Thanks for your entries - I love your outlook & photos - maybe I'll see you at Thanksgiving?? :)

Love, JJ