Saturday, September 1, 2007

Half of Boston...

...Is moving TODAY. September 1st, from everything we've heard is the biggest moving day of the year. Traffic has already been horrible. There are Budgets, Ryders and Penskes everywhere I look. In my own house, three tenants are moving out and three are moving in--all using the same, old staircase. Can you guess what I'll be doing all day? Not moving. And not Orientation for school. I forgot to ask off work and so that is where I'll be from nine to three. I have to go register at the school for my student ID, then straight to Starbucks and then back to school to meet with my fellow grads for some tourist fun on the famous Boston Duck Tours. Then its back home to find our new apartment all moved in but looking like a snow globe turned upside down. Sniff. Of course, my allergies are coming along for the ride. (p.s. I may be offline for the next several days now, until verizon can get us back online downstairs)


jeny said...

How was your Saturday? Did you enjoy your tour around campus? I'm sorry to hear that you had to work :(
How are you feeling? And how was Scott's interview?

love you!

Jayme said...

Hey Jen. I haven't talked to you in ages! I'm going to be mostly offline for the next week or so because of the move but I dropped by a school computer after my Music History Placement Exam today to check my email and blog. I'm still struggling with my allergies. Scott's interview went really well. They basically made it sound like the only thing they needed to do was check his references...Hope to talk to you soon...with a wink and a smile, J

jeny said...

I know you're off line for awhile, but just know that I'm thinking of you today while you have your dance auditions.

love you.

hope you're feeling better!

jeny said...

Are you on line at school today? How do you feel about the audition results and class placement?

love you

ANGEL said...

hey ya doin? how ya feelin? how's school? how did Scott's interview go?

love ya!!!

Brittani Renee said...

Hope you have a great day! Thinking of you...