Sunday, August 26, 2007

Don't Let the Bedbugs Bite...

I have a recurring problem. No, we don't have bedbugs, although I've heard that they are an epidemic in ancient and transient Boston. I keep waking up with fresh bugbites (and hope they are not spiders.) I am having extreme reactions to mosquito bites. Several weeks ago, I got one on the bottom of my foot that turned hot, hard and purple so that I couldn't walk on it for a week! This is my latest jewel--plump and ruby, and if you look close, you can trace the outline and see that it is the size of a small, pear-shaped pancake (hmmm, pear pancakes....interesting)


ANGEL said...

Oh Jaym...that looks painful! Britt would have bad reactions too...she looked like she had mumps :( I hope you can figure out what it is and KILL IT!!!

Does it itch?

jeny said...

OUch! Jme that looks aweful . . .a lot like bites I've gotten in the past. Are you sure they are mosquitos? The one on your foot reminds me of one I got while working outside without proper foot protection. Mine was a spider. You may need to get a prescription for an epi pen. What kind of foot wear are you wearing when working outside? Very likely could be spiders inside too. Try ortho max home. You spray it around all your baseboards. It's supposed to be safe for your dogs.

P.s. what great news about your moving situation! I told Mom about it this morning, and she was able to share the praise with some of our Sunday school classmates who have been praying for your upcoming move. God is so good. Even with the things that seem like they should be insignificant to Him. They are definitely not!

I don't know if I can call you back tonight. I'm very drousy (sp? tired) from some Benedryl I took a few hours ago. I apologize for anything that I've typed that doesn't make sense ;)

love you!
I'll try to call tomorrow.

Christine said...

Ooo, that looks bad. So sorry to hear of your afflictions. I hope they heal up quickly and you find the cause soon. Is this the week of the beginning of your new life as a masters student? You are in our prayers and thoughts - for we are so excited for you. I love you, dear one. Have a great day. xoxo