Monday, August 27, 2007

Coffee anyone?

My sister had this fun post, so I decided to take the quiz, even though I already knew the answer...Actually, I don't agree with these results. Whereas 50% usually means Take It or Leave It, I leave it much more often than I take it...and I work at Starbucks! Ever since my Seattle's Best Coffee days (which is still the best, if you ask me), I have insisted on not getting dependent on the caffeine. Who needs it? I do NOT like the pounding of my heart when I accidentally drink one shot of espresso, instead of decaf espresso. Imagine. And when my customers order 6 shot americanos and five shot caramel macchiatos, sometimes twice in one day, I cringe inside.
And just for entertainment's sake, my answers were that I 1.) usually drink lattes (as opposed to drip coffee) 2.) at work 3.) in the morning 4.) 3-4 days a week 5.) I'm to the point where I feel fine in the morning if I don't have any; I'm not a monster, like some of our ungrateful, spoiled regulars 7-8.) I grind but don't roast 9.) I can taste the difference betweeen blends and 10.) I usually have one very small, half decaf cup a day. There should be another coffee quiz for people who think they know their coffee, with questions like, what are the three coffee bean processing methods and what growing regions offer a bolder, lower acidic yield....huh? Yeah.


Brittani Renee said...

Yeah it was a fun quiz... I don't feel I'm 80-some percent addicted but I like the AM java at home the best. I have another one coming up that I know all of us girls will take.
love you

Jayme said...

Hey, sorry to give my sister the credit...didn't realize you found this one ;o)

jeny said...

Did you get the kitchen pictures I sent?
Be sure to check my blog today . . . there's something special just for you ;)