Saturday, October 27, 2007

Sweet Teaspoon, So Long

On October 24, 2002, my mom gave me a book called Their Mysterious Ways, Amazing Stories About God's Animals and Us. In the front of it she wrote: "Jayme, I shall never forget, as long as I live, your expression of love for me and deep caring for my little T-spoon as you knelt in our yard (in 1999) and prayed for God to give you your faith as you had when just a child. Then you asked for our bird back and you set out to find him."

Sometimes, I think back to that summer he flew away and simply CANNOT believe he was restored to us again--yet I was the one who believed I would find him and then I did! So where has this kind of faith gone, anyway?

This poem was in that book she gave me five years ago....

(For Teaspoon
June 1991 - Oct 2007)

A lovely, lilting melody
enchanted me
as I walked along the lane.
Stretching on tiptoe,
encircling the tree,
I tried to see the tiny songster.

Sunshine splashed gold
upon my face.
Shadows danced
with the breeze.
And though thick foliage
hid the little bird,
it could not hide his song.

There is a veil that
separates us, too,
since you have gone.
But, unlike that little unseen bird,
I still can hear
your song.

~Mary Alice Baumgardner


ANGEL said...

Ohhh Jaym...I'm so sorry to hear the news!! He was such an adorable lil guy...I remember when you first got them as a pair.

He lived a very good life...

Love ya hon!

Adrienne said...

Thank you so much for sending a sugar packet for Clay and Em. You are so kind to think of them. They sure love Uncle Scott and Aunt Jayme!