Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Harriett, my Harriett, how can it be that 88 years ago today you were born, dear? And why is it that your last birthday, 71, is the only one I paid attention to as a kid? How is it that that last celebration of your life was already 17 years ago, yet I remember it like it was yesterday, when I was a mere child? A child. Why did you have to leave me before I could truly know you? I miss our adult relationship. I miss you. I dream about you. I love you, Granma. With all my heart. Happy Birthday!


jeny said...

Oh Jme. How can it hurt so much still?

Jayme said...

I have no idea, but I think it will just get worse, as we process the loss through our different stages of maturing and longing. On the other hand, in just a few years, we wouldn't have had her anyway, since few live into their nineties, so maybe our sense of robbery will recede...either way, she is in my heart EVERY day!

jeny said...

She's with me all of the time too. I do feel robbed that my kids never knew her and that she never got to hold any of them and see how amazing they are, talk with them, love them.

Brittani Renee said...

I love that picture of Grandma!
I cherish each moment spent with her even if I was too young to remember some moments.
I love her...