Saturday, September 15, 2007

Rhode Island

Tonight, Scott and I are going to Rhode Island! It is only an hour away by commuter rail. In the summer, Providence holds a festival every other Saturday called WaterFire. All I know is that they put bonfires on pyre-like rafts on the waters surrounding the little town and have music. It is supposed to feel like Renaissance times. Our neighbors Brad and Olga are going to meet us down there for dinner and exploring and then drive us back to Allston with them. I CANNOT wait to stretch my wings, after not having a car since Chicago. It will be so fun to see some new landscape.


Brittani Renee said...

Hope you had fun!

jeny said...

Jyme this sounds wonderfully romantic. I wish we could have something like this here.
It reminds me a little of the book you let me borrow about the gondoliers. (Which I am loving by the way.) Mom asked to read it when I'm done and then I'll send it back to you with love!
have a good night.

Adrienne said...

Hi Jayme,
I'm anxious to see a blog posting about your night in Rhode Island. Sounds magical! These are the moments... :)

Love, Ade

Lori said...

Hi Jayme, can't wait to hear all about your Rhode Island trip! Maybe we'll connect on the phone this evening:). Hey, can you believe Gram and I are coming out there two weeks from this Wednesday? I am so so excited!
Love you, "Mom"

ANGEL said...

awww bet you guys had a great time!!

pics...need pics :0}

Eric and Melissa said...

Hi Jayme!! I loved looking at your blog tonight. :) We love you and miss you a bunch!!! We are praying for you about your schooling and all that involves. You are in our hearts and we believe in you!! I wish I could take ballet with you! That would be a blast! :) Cassia thought it was pretty cool that you are both taking ballet! I love you bunches!

Love and prayers,