Friday, September 7, 2007


My friend from Covenant Presbyterian in Chicago, Robyn Fuder, was just diagnosed with breast cancer. She has two little girls age three and age eight or nine months. Her mother died of breast cancer in her early thirties, so she lost her mom at a young age. And her grandmother died of breast cancer in her early thirties. Because of the risk, she has been getting a mammogram every six months, but she missed the last one since she was nursing her littlest one. About a month ago, she went to have a mammogram again and they found cancer. They had to act immediately and took off both her breasts. She is in chemo right now. They did a bone scan and praise the Lord, the cancer has not spread to her bones. Please pray for this precious family! Her husband Dave is being so strong. Robyn is such a sweetheart and I know she is struggling with the idea of her girls maybe losing her like she lost her own mom as a child.


jeny said...

Oh Jayme, this is so aweful. I will be urgently interceding on behalf of this precious family. keep us updated.

Beth said...

I will be praying! Please keep us updated.

Christine said...

I'll be praying.

ANGEL said...

Hon...I'll be praying too!!

I love you!

Brittani Renee said...

Oh I'm so sorry to hear! I'll be praying for her and her family!