Wednesday, August 1, 2007

With tuppence you can do anything....

Scott and I watched Mary Poppins tonight. Can you believe, he had NEVER seen it? I'd like to know how someone from our generation escaped childhood without seeing it. Wasn't it on every year like Wizard of Oz and It's a Wonderful Life?? I was so excited that I took pictures of the TV during the movie. I was singing along with all of the songs and felt the same thrill as I did way back when...

Why Mary Poppins? We were enjoying a good laugh, as we so often do, and I started to sing the song "I Love to Laugh" as sung by Uncle Albert. I remembered all the different versions of laughter that Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke perform and Scott wanted to know what it was from...I said "Mary Poppins, for the 15th time." Then Scott said with genuine enthusiasm, "Let's rent it for Wednesday night!" After all, I feel it is imperative that he is familiar with all of the classics that I draw from and quote from and sing from, don't you agree?

So we used this bit of nostalgia to celebrate Scott's first interview today, at the University of Massachusetts Boston, after two long months of submitting his resume without a bite. We studied and coached and role-played for days and he feels it went brilliantly! We really need him to get a job soon because just like the song, "with tuppence you can do anything, if you have your own set of wings...." Scott called as a follow up and found out that the hiring manager is on vacation and a decision won't be made until the 15th or 16th...ARG! The hiring manager is ALWAYS on vacation in these situations :o) We're going to have to shake some chimney sweeps hands on this one..."or blow us a kiss, and that's lucky too!"

A special thanks goes out to my cousin Brittani who helped me figure out how to post a slideshow. Thanks ;o)


Brittani Renee said...

Turned out wonderful!

Mary Poppins what a classic...

jeny said...

Aww Jme you got me in the mood to see it again :) I'm glad Scott got to see it. . . it's a MUST. He definitely needs to be more familiar with the things that shaped your love of music and theatre! It'll help him understand what you're drawing from.
Hey, any news on his interview? Any call backs? Praying for this!
love you

Jayme said...

Thanks, Jen. We may hear something tomorrow, but Scott thinks Tuesday or Wednesday. It would be such a relief...