Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Our Anniversary

Today was our third year anniversary! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Scott and I dated for three years and now we have been married for three years! I took the day off, but Scott had landscaping opportunities until noon. I took the chance to give the house a good clean for our company, Trish and Ryan from Seattle! We went out to eat in the North End at an Italian restaurant called Express. They got on the road by seven so Scott and I walked around and found a gelato stand, then walked through Quincy Market. It was beautiful outside.

We found a shop that was selling a garment made of Indian silk that can be worn 100 different ways! After being a live model while the pretty Israeli girl showed me different ways to wear it with one that had my favorite colors, Scott bought it for me to commemorate the occasion. This is one of the ways to wear it as a shirt...

I wanted to do a slideshow of a bunch of pictures over the last six years, but we haven't unpacked everything during this summer sublet. After we move downstairs, I'll pull them out and will feel so much more settled and comfortable with everything...

Also, a big 22nd BIRTHDAY GREETING to Britters, who brings youth and vitality to this old family! I love you like a sister and hope it is one you won't soon forget.

1 comment:

Lori said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe your anniversary has come and gone already...I kept thinking it was next week...I was actually shopping for a card for you last evening at Barnes and Noble! I am so sorry. You will be hearing from us very soon. Sounds like a fun evening:)
Love you both so much!