Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Moving In...

I am so excited to be able to unpack after two months of being in limbo. I LOVE my new kitchen. We finally have room for a table. No more meals at the coffee table in the living room. There is plenty of cupboard space and I even have a linen closet. Today and tomorrow, I am not working at Starbucks, so the plan is to try to clean the new apartment and paint the front room before we haul everything down. But I don't know how much I can get done with these allergies...


Lori said...

Hey, you sweet guys. We are praying that those DUMB BUGS stop biting Jayme and that your alergies are better. Hope you got some meds to help with them.

We're also glad Scott got a bike and is once again, "mobile". Cool!

Mom & I are both praying about the MIT interview Scott told her about. We hope it lasts three hours because they love him and can't think of anyone else they'd rather hire!

Love you both,

Dad Rack

jeny said...

Jayme, did you go to a Medpoint or something today?

Adrienne said...

Get well soon, Jayme. Love you girl! Ade

Jessica said...

hey lady!!!!! I love your blog and linked you on mine!

write me an e-mail! I don't have your current one.