Saturday, August 11, 2007

Johnny Came Marching Home...and he's still marching

Happy 91st Birthday Grandpa!!!

John Mester was born in South Bend, Indiana on August 11, 1916... or so we think. His birth certificate is either unclear or missing because his family never could never remember if he was born on the 10th or the 11th!
He married Martha Nygrin in 1942 at 26 years old, when he was in the National Guard before the war started. She was working at a drug store called The Philadelphia and he came in to have a soda fountain. They flirted and decided to get married the next day, because he had to go down south from some kind of training camp! After going to the Justice of the Peace, they were married for just over a year before Grandpa had to leave for more duties with the National Guard overseas.

Grandma went to join the Navy after he left because she decided she didn't like living alone. (Incidentally, she was stationed at Navy Pier in Chicago!) They were apart when the war started--my dad has Grandpa's diary and there is an entry from December 7, 1941, talking about the shock of Pearl Harbor hitting US soil... The national guard got mobilized and he was sent to Burma and was part of the Engineers of the Army laying pipelines. They were apart for two years (a long time for newlyweds!) when they got discharged. After arriving home safely and on the very same day, they realized that they had come home on the very same South Shore commuter passenger train--in different cars...They started their little family soon after and had their first born on Christmas Eve 1947! What a perfectly romantic World War II love story!

I love you very much Grandpa and am so proud of your accomplishments, life and legacy...You are a gem and I am so blessed to have you in my life.


Lori said...

Hi Jayme,
Hope this goes thru - I'm still trying to figure this out.

Lori said...

OK, here we go, Jayme. I love that entry about your grandpa! What an awesome story. WOW! I thought we had a whirlwind romance with a first date proposal, and a wedding 10 months later, but they certainly have us beat! God had blessed them so much hasn't He....may the blessings continue!

jeny said...

Jme - that is so sweet. I'm glad that Grandma isn't on line because she would be so embarrassed ;)
That's a great picture of them.

So, I forgot to take my camera today so I'll have to let the others post about our day at the lake. Ange and Britt got some really great shots. I did take a few pictures with mom's camera. I don't remember if christine had one or not.
It was neat to talk to you while we were there. I was hoping to.

How was the concert?

love ya

Brittani Renee said...

What a great post! Your grandpa is amazing!

Where is this beautiful slide show you created?!?

I'll have the pictures up soon from the party- glad I was able to chat for a bit with you- we'll catch up more soon!
love you

Jayme said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog, Mom. I'm so happy that you were able to figure out how to do it! I'll be curious to know what the problem was. Love you.

Brittani Renee said...

Hey J..
Mom has a slideshow too!

Christine said...

Jayme! I wish I had talked to you today while at the lake. And I had a camera - but not a digital one. Back to 35mm for now.
I love this post about Grandpa. The photo is such a sweet one and the story is even sweeter.
I love and miss you lots. I hope we can talk this week.

Brittani Renee said...

There is a pic from tonight where Jeny is reading your card you sent Mom... your Mom and Jeny were cracking up- they thought my Uncle got it for her! HAHA

jeny said...

'morning Jme! How is your week going? Happy hump day ;)
love you.

jeny said...

Any word from the library yet?

Adrienne said...

Hi Jayme,
So glad to be part of your online community! I LOVE your postings. You have such a beautiful way of writing. That's great that you watched Mary Poppins with Scott. Such a classic. You guys are too cute.
Blessings to you today!

ANGEL said...

lol...yeah talk about surprise! After I made her about wee her pants when I popped the balloon...I went in the kitchen and bent down in front of her to get something out of the cupboard...she was making a fruit smoothie at the time so she decided to take the stinkin BAG of sugar and poured at least a cup of sugar down my neck!

I was've got to be kidding me!! Then I stood up...and you can guess where all that sugar dropped to...All I could hear was her unbelievable laugh!

I'd ask if you have any great "get even" ideas but crikies...I'm almost afraid to try and pay her back ;}

Love and miss you!!!!!!!!!

jeny said...

I need a new post from you!!!

Brittani Renee said...

Happy Anniversary!!
Love you

ANGEL said...


I hope you guys do something really special ;0}

Love ya bunches!

ANGEL said... is u? We need to catch up!

Love ya!!!!!