Thursday, August 23, 2007


If he were still with us today, Gene Kelly, my teen idol, would be 95! It is hard to fathom. August 23rd used to mean SO VERY MUCH to me. It's funny how time changes things. I sure expected to meet him one day. Maybe I will yet... He is still very much my hero, as I embark on this long awaited Master of Music in Musical Theatre next week at Boston Conservatory!


Christine said...

It was so good to read all your posts this morning. I missed Gene's birthday yesterday - but I think I'll put on his CD to commemorate his birthday. Thanks, sister! Love you!

jeny said...

95, WOW. I remember I was working at LM when I heard of his passing. Could it really be about 12 years ago?! I think it happened right around the time of Grandpa's heart attack. I've journaled about it somewhere.
Hope you are having a wonderful day!