Friday, July 13, 2007

Home is where you hang your rat

Here is our summer get away-(despite some leaks, dirt and grime, couple mice and more than a few outside rats, yes rats and yes, only outside!) Our kitchen is nice and big, but not big enough to put a table in. The downstairs apartment kitchen is bigger yet, thank goodness!

Our living room is pretty small, but it has a nice bump out bay window that our couch sits in and gives lots of sunshine, one thing we are sure to miss downstairs.

The bedroom is what you would want the living room to be, with a fireplace and access to the balcony deck, but we'll make due :o)

This is our kids favorite place to be. Today, I did not have time to run them up the hill and let them be off lease. But you can tell they wanted to. It is a wonderful, very safe park, set way off the road with lots of doggie friends to run around and play ball with. I will do another blog on just the park soon.


Brittani Renee said...

Love it! The pictures are great...
Will you have a fireplace downstairs?
Ewww rats huh? You shouldn't have told me that! ;)
I thought of you when I posted about Gene Kelly! Last night we had a storm come through and the rain was coming down so hard I got a picture of it from our balcony against the lamppost and I showed Mom and at almost the same time we said "singin in the rain" then of course you were right there in my mind!
love you

ANGEL said...

Cute stinkin apartment looks so homey and the park is gorgeous!



Darleen said...

It's been a couple of weeks, I hope things are going well for you. Your appartment is really cute. That fireplace will be awesome in the winter time. I am glad you have this website to post pics so I can see. How is your school going? Do you like your professors?
Jamey and I just got back from vacation (Hilton Head, SC), it was sooo nice.

Jayme said...

Hey, Dar! Great to see you on here. Thanks for checking out my blog. Unfortunately, we don't have that fireplace with our Sept. 1st lease downstairs--this was just a place to stay until the apt. was ready. Can't wait to hear all about Hilton Head!

jeny said...

I cannot believe how much you've gotten done in so little time! Your home looks great, and very comfy for temporary housing;) It seems incredibly airy in the pictures. Is it really that bright?

jeny said...

Noah has been looking through your pictures this morning. He wanted to see your back yard and how it's coming along. He said he knew the pictures of the victory gardens were not your yard because you couldn't plants that fast. He also said, "Mom, they are making their house look like their apartment!" So I think he likes it!

He says, "I love you Aunt Jayme."

Jayme said...

Aw, thanks Noah! We are trying to make it feel like home. But you know what they say? Home is where your HEART is. And that for me is Indiana. But I still try to make it cozy--a home away from home. I'm glad you think it looks kind of like Chicago. That makes my heart smile. Thanks for being interested in my pictures..I'll be putting up new ones soon. Love you Buddy!