Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Backyard

What an eye sore! The only reason we took on the back yard to clean up is that we were so excited to have access to the outdoors for once (besides the park).

I couldn't help but admire some of its weeds!

a jungle, to be sure... but pay attention to this particular spot--it will be our garden!

Are you seeing the size of these weeds?? Some were as tall as I. The stone wall in the background is the house's garage. I will plant ivy across the bottom, once all the poison ivy is removed.

a shot from the property below--did I mention this is Rat Central? We must have seen a dozen and no, they are not scared of us. great. They like to come out at dusk just like deer. They WILL be moving out.

Oh, the possibilities....but what to do with the sight of the abandoned garages below...if we put a fence up, we will lose some sunlight.

Our first cook out was salmon sausages. Sound gross? They absolutely were. Luckily, we had back up Italian sausages, because we didn't trust the sound of the salmon either.

We took the food back inside. We'll have to clear a spot for some lawn chairs by the next time we grill...So stay tuned!


jeny said...

Oh - my - goodness. Jayme, you have taken on such a huge project! But so worthwhile and fun while you wait for classes to begin. My mind is going crazy with the possibilities. I was even seeing things to do with all those old doors!
I hope you didn't touch any poison ivy. The reaction may take up to a week or two before you feel itchy so keep that in mind. The first time I got it, I had no idea what it could be because it had been over 2 weeks since I had done any weeding in the yard. Now I feel like an expert in the wicked weed.
Be careful! I love you ;)

Jayme said...

Scott took care of the poison ivy and pulled it all down from the tree and stone wall with our hedge clippers. If it weren't for him recognizing it, I would have been up to my knees in it!

jeny said...

wash those clippers really well and the clothes he was wearing. That juice stays potent for ever, even after the vines are dead and dried up!

Jayme said...

Ah! Didn't give a second thought to the clippers..Thanks :o)

Brittani Renee said...

Wow J... I'm proud of ya! You have had more blogs in the month of July then you have since you signed up ;) I'm just playing with you. You weren't kidding about those weeds! Hope your weekend goes great! lovess