Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Da Capo al Fine

'Da Capo al Fine' is a musical term indicating that the musician is to go back to the beginning and play or sing the piece through to the end. This blog will be a journal I keep as I return to where I belong: music. I am so excited about being a student once again this fall at The Boston Conservatory. It is there that I will learn all the dance I ever wanted, all the acting I never got and probably more singing than I thought possible. It will be a real live dream come true! And my best friend, Scott, is following me there, with more support and enthusiasm than I deserve.

Yesterday, we took a walk along Lake Michigan at Promontory Point in Hyde Park on the rocks, which we haven't done in a long time because of the cool spring. There were hundreds of crab apple trees among others, in full bloom. I had to gather a bunch because they make me happy, with the scent sending me straight back to eight years old in my front yard. Scott gave me a kiss under this tree's petal-laden branches that reminded me I am not, however, eight anymore... The flowers and beautiful glowing skyline of Chicago don't feel as if a goodbye is around the corner. I wish I could go back to the beginning and play through to the end of our time in Chicago, making sure to smell more flowers along the way.


ANGEL said...

Hey Jaym!!

Welcome to "Blog Land" :} This is a great way to keep up with whats goin on with everyone!

Hey I remember those flowers too...that a good memory...a bad memory is the yucky pear tree from your house on Ewing :{

Have a great day and I love you bunches!!!


Brittani Renee said...

Aw Jayme... glad you created a blog!

Just wanted to say hey- off to my meeting- I'll let you know how it goes! (it was rescheduled from monday)

Oh I found a couple deals on cameras- did you get yours yet?

Have a great day
Love you

Christine said...

Hello, Jayme! What a delightful surprise to find a link to your blog on Brittani's page. And it's beautiful! Welcome to blogging! ;)