Sunday, May 20, 2007

Connor Cornwall

I met a turtle in Tennessee. He was a box turtle, taking a trip across Melissa's driveway. He got to moving pretty fast when Scott started the nosy car--since it was time for us to leave.

We circled around him, so he had no choice but to walk toward our toes.

Melissa dared Ashlyn to stay put and see what would happen when he came close. He took a few steps in her direction and she squealed and jumped away. Then Melissa tried to stay put, but she didn't have any more gumption than Ashlyn. Finally, I said, "let me try."

And would you believe that turtle pushed against the side of my foot until I was forced to lift it up and there he stayed. I felt so honored. He must love me. So I picked him up.

I could take him home to Chicago! But then he peed on me and I decided he would be much happier on Cassie Court.

I think his name was Connor Cornwall.


ANGEL said...

awww! I love turtles...except when they pee on ya I used to have a box turtle when I was a youngin :}

have a great day!

love ya

Brittani Renee said...

Aw how sweet!

We need to chat soon* I promise we will- my class is done at 11:15 on Friday so I'll give you a call this weekend. I may have my nose pierced on Friday night eeeks!
Love you